We are a group of professional, creative and passionate people, driven by a strong motivation and responsibility towards the territory and culture.
The Municipality of Valdagno has 26,000 inhabitants and an industrial economy; Valdagno is committed to promoting theatrical and musical activities, both through events and festivals involving different sections of the population, and through cultural activities carried out in collaboration with schools or other local entities. Since 2014 it has been organising the theatre review "Finisterre. Teatro ai confini".
The town of Valdagno is also part of a network made up of 17 public bodies in the Altovicentino area, which for about six years has been offering the experience of diffuse theatre in houses, courtyards and districts. It promotes the "Femminile Singolare" music festival and holds ongoing meetings with authors to promote the most important publications. It is a founding member of the Fondazione Palazzo Festari, which promotes local culture.
The municipality of Valdagno has two museums in its territory, the Dal Lago civic museum, managed directly by the administration, and the Museum of Textile Machinery at the Luzzatti-Marzotto Technical Institute. The Dal Lago museum is part of the Altovicentino museum network. The municipality also has a civic gallery, directly overseeing the staging of exhibitions of artists, including those of national importance. The municipality of Valdagno is a partner of Gal Altovicentino, participating personally in two projects financed by it for the enhancement of the territory.
Other specific projects in which the municipality is a partner: Europe for citizens- 2.1 Town twinning, Erasmus+- , Europe for citizens strands 2, Erasmus+ -KA3.

ALDA+ is the company owned by ALDA, the European Association for Local Democracy, dedicated to the provision of services on EU funding programmes and on Euro-project design, technical assistance in the development, implementation, financial management and reporting of projects under EU funding programmes (and beyond). ALDA+ brings the whole experience and expertise of ALDA, dedicated to the promotion of good governance and citizen participation at local level with the following main uniqueness
- Network and Partnership: a network of over 300 members in 42 countries of the enlarged Europe, and over 2,000 partners from 50 different countries;
- Platforms: ALDA is member/active partner of several European institutions and networks with which it has privileged relationships: Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Structured Dialogue of the European Commission (Europe for Citizens), CONCORD, CIVICUS, EMI, UNDP, etc.
- Qualified staff with many years of experience in the development, co-ordination, management and reporting of EU (and non-EU) projects: ALDA represents a proven and successful structure which, since the year 2000, ALDA has managed more than 250 projects financed by EU funds under different programmes;
- Offices: ALDA has offices in strategic cities and regions for the implementation of European policies: Strasbourg, Brussels, Vicenza, Skopje (MK), Subotica (RS) and Chisinau (MD).
-Specifically, ALDA+ is involved in the INTERREG Central Europe project REFREsh - Rural Revitalisation For Cultural Heritage, which aims at revitalising and reusing in a sustainable way the unused historical industrial heritage. It collaborates in the INTERREG Italy - Croatia project USEFALL, which aims to exploit the tourism potential of the cross-border area by improving the accessibility of its cultural heritage in order to make it a lever for a sustainable and more balanced territorial development.
La Piccionaia, a cooperative society founded in 1975, acquired the status of social cooperative in 2014 with the aim of pursuing the general interest through the management of educational and socio-educational services, in a true spirit of mutuality and without the purpose of private speculation, in particular through the development of theatrical and performing arts, with specific reference to the educational function and cultural growth exercised in the theatrical sector for children, adolescents and youth.
The cooperative operates mainly in the province of Vicenza and has an organisation chart that is consistent with the company's structure and level of complexity; the board of directors, elected by the assembly of 26 members, is made up of 5 members; the management is divided into 5 area managements: general management, artistic management, production management, planning and projects management, administrative management.
The number of employees, including seasonal workers, is 63. La Piccionaia has been contributed to by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities since 1975; it has been recognised as aCentro di Produzione Teatrale since 2015. In 2017 it received 70% funding for a POR FESR 2014-2020 project from the RegioneVeneto - Bando per l'erogazione di contributi alle imprese culturali, creative e dello spettacolo Azione 3.1.1/C Aiuti per investimenti inmacchinari, impianti e beni intangibili e accompagnamento dei processi di riorganizzazione e ristrutturazione aziendale. Cultural and creative performing arts enterprises. The project, which envisaged the purchase of technical and technological equipment to enable the development and marketing of new products, was managed, implemented and reported in accordance with the terms and with positive results.
The social co-operative independent L. ONLUS is a counselling centre for people with physical disabilities and elderly people and, as such, a centre of competence recognised by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol (Italy). The cooperative's projects and studies are aimed at the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the promotion of their greatest possible autonomy in almost all areas of life (such as family, school and work), through the use of state-of-the-art technologies.
independent L.'s multidisciplinary and highly specialised team provides integrated personalised consultancy services to private individuals, social and health professionals, companies, schools and other public institutions. In addition to a showroom for assistive technology and communication aids, the competence centre in Merano also has a home automation flat with Smart Home technology, where training activities and individualised testing of innovative technologies and aids are offered.
Specialist consultancy services also include the areas of barrier-free access and inclusive tourism. Since 2004, in particular, independent L. has successfully managed the tourism portal "South Tyrol for all". All institutional websites have been developed by the in-house "Webcenter" (main area of employment in the cooperative), which was recognised in 2017 by AgID (Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale) as one of the four national digital accessibility assessment centres.
independent L. is also a recognised training provider and offers qualification courses in IT and administration aimed at the employment of people with disabilities, with the support of the European Social Fund, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. Innovative projects (many of them recognised as Best Practice by the European Union), scientific research and publications contribute to making the skills and know-how that independent L. has acquired over time accessible to a wider public.
The University of Applied Sciences Salzburg has the necessary structures, administrative, financial and operational capacities to carry out its planned activities to the best of its ability. As far as the operational and administrative capacities are concerned, the following points should be highlighted:
- The co-ordination of research is carried out by a fully dedicated department, which has proven experience in all European programmes and acts as a one-stop shop.
- In addition, the staff employed in tourism research can rely on decades of experience in the organisation and implementation of planned project activities.
- In addition to the successfully completed "Interreg" projects, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences has completed other important "Alpine Space" and "Horizon 2020" projects.
- The project management and the Head of tourism research at the University of Salzburg have 15 years of experience from numerous European projects, many of which were completed as main partners.
- An experienced Controlling department cooperates in the administrative processing of invoicing documents.
- FH Salzburg is also known for its cooperation with other Austrian national funds (FFG, FWF).
- FH Salzburg also stands out for the punctuality with which it completes and documents all relevant project steps.
The Ritzen Castle Museum (Museum Schloss Ritzen) is an enterprise of the municipality of Saalfelden. Signatory powers, assignments, personnel and accounting are clearly regulated. The structure: The staff consists of 2 part-time employees directly employed by the municipality, for cash and cleaning services; 2 freelancers (Dr. Andrea Dillinger: museum management, care, mediation, museum education, exhibition management; Oliver Schuh-Dilllinger: marketing, exhibition design, collaborations, project management) and some trainees. The management of the building, including preservation and repair, is entirely in the hands of the municipality, the administration is in the hands of the internal management and personnel matters are in the hands of the responsible department. All investments over € 1,500 are discussed and approved by the City Council.Operations: Management, permanent exhibitions, special exhibitions, archive, research, exhibition design (content), publications, project managementspecial projects - Dr. Andrea Dillinger; Exhibition design, cooperation with partner institutions, project management, marketing, publications - Oliver Schuh-Dillinger. The Museum works on various projects in cooperation with neighbouring museums and national museums, such as the Salzburg Museum and the Vienna Museum of Ethnology. The Museum is a direct partner of the Salzburg Land Tourism, the tourism associations Zell am See Kaprun (Premium Partner) and Saalfelden-Leogang (joint marketing) and all tourism organisations in the region. The renovation of the building (2010-2015) was carried out with funds from the LEADER programme and all special exhibitions are supported by the Region of Salzburg through the Department of Culture.
The Municipality of Resia (Udine) has adopted a whole series of internal management procedures aimed at identifying and formalising concrete action plans for the identification, retrieval, allocation and use of human, instrumental and financial resources as well as functional strategies to favour widespread forms of control on the pursuit of institutional functions and on the use of public resources. Various regulations have been adopted, including the Regulation on Internal Controls, the Accounting Regulation, the Regulation on Civic Access, General Access and Documentary Access, and the Code of Conduct. The number of staff working in the municipal offices (except for workers and the municipal pharmacy) is 10, of which 3 are executive instructors and 2 are senior managers.
Previous experience in managing co-financed projects (European and national funds):
- Project "Conosciamoci/Spoznajmo se", Community Initiative Interreg III A/Phare CBC Italy-Slovenia;
- Project "Improvement of the mountain cross-border road network of the Resia Valley with the Uccea Pass (Italy-Slovenia), Interreg III A/Phare CBC Italy-Slovenia 2000-2006. Actions 1.2.1. - Type B;
- Project "Adaptation of the tourist road network between Val Resia and the Uccea border crossing with Slovenia", Interreg II Italy-Slovenia, Measure 2.4. Local border road network.