Financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg Italy-Austria V-A 2014-2020



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16. Advertising posters - MAP

Numerous historical posters enrich the display of typewriters on a socio-cultural note. The largest poster is dedicated to the French typewriter, MAP, and originates from 1922. The MAP was manufactured by the “Manufacture des Armes de Paris” a French subsidiary of the world renowned Belgian weapons factory “Fabrique National d’Armes de Guerre”. The combination of weapons factory and typewriters can be found again and again with the companies Remington and Smith Premier from the USA which started producing typewriters due to a reduction in war orders. There were also various typewriter manufacturers who turned over all their production to weapons during both World Wars. Amongst the first typewriter manufacturers, few companies were in a position to concentrate exclusively on the production of typewriters, perhaps also because the lifespan of such companies was sometimes only very short in a hard-fought market.

16. Advertising posters - MAP

Logo Stiftung Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano

Pilot intervention in South Tyrol co-financed by the Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano Foundation